How To Size Your PV System
There are many factors used to determine the proper size of a photovolatic system. By following the three easy steps below, you can get a rough idea of what sized system Solar Living™ could install at your home.
Step 1: Current Electricity Usage
Your current electricity usage is a key factor, as it determines the maximum size for a PV system that can be installed at your home. You can determine your household's electricity usage by looking on the last page of your electric bill. The line titled "Last 12 Months Use (KWH)" shows you what your current annual consumption is. Take this number and divide it by 1000, the result will give you a ballpark idea of an appropriate system size for your home.
In reality, your system may be slightly larger due to shading from trees, as well the orientation and slope of your roof. This factor can be precisely determined by a Solar Living™ representative during a free consultation.
Step 2: Suitable Space For Installation
A PV system needs approximately 100 square feet of panels to generate 1KW of electricity. Homes with a south-facing roof or sufficient lawn area are optimal for the installation of a PV system. There should be no overhanging branches, and no nearby tall trees or buildings that will provide shade. Roof space should be clear of chimneys, skylights, satellite dishes, and vent pipes.
Step 3: How Much Do You Want To Spend?
See our pricing table to estimate what your system will cost. Often, we install a smaller system for customers that have a certain budget in mind.
Once you are ready to take the next step, call or contact us to set up an appointment. One of our PV experts can size up your site and current energy consumption, and give you a free, no obligation quote for your PV system.